标题: James Blunt---You are beautiful [打印本页] 作者: 活在裆下 时间: 2008-10-12 22:31 标题: James Blunt---You are beautiful
You are Beautiful 的音乐录影带更是另人无法忘怀。在音乐录影带里,没有花俏的布景,没有大量电脑特效的后制,James Blunt 一个人站在靠海的悬崖边,一句一句真切地唱出邂逅刹那的美丽及感动。唱着唱着,James Blunt 便一件件地退去身上的衣服,及随身携带物品,包括菸盒、鞋子、手表…,就像以最真切最诚实地告白一般,唱出男女邂逅时的感动。当歌曲快结束时,随着歌曲最后一句歌词“我知我不可能再拥有你”,James Blunt 便一跃而下向悬崖边里的海面跳去。
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.